Camp Activities
After 10 years he have developed a program full of activties that will enhance the healing possibilties during the camp.
Healing Massage
As part of the program, after the Bufo Immersion, you will receive physical therapy via healing massage at the hands of one of our experienced body workers.
We take care of your mental and physical health.
Sound Healing & breathwork
The goal of this activity is to teach the participants to achieve the same state of mind that 5-meO-DMT provokes in the human body without using any substance. This breathwork technique mixed with the sound bath is a powerful self-knowledge experience.
Bio Magnetic Theaphy
Biomagnetic therapy, also called biomagnetic pair therapy, is a natural and safe therapy that re-establishes a normal cellular environment through the use of pairs of magnets of medium intensity. The goal is to equalize the organism's pH level – a critical determinant of health.
Tobacco Rapé Session
The tobacco and other ingredients are ground into a fine powder, which is then blown or snorted high into each of the nostril cavities through a ceremonial pipe made of bone or bamboo. Rapé is a cleansing medicine, so after taking it, you may experience side effects such as vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea.
Although this is an admittedly uncomfortable part of the experience, some people say the pain is an integral part of the spiritual and physical cleansing process—by purging deep-seated toxins.
Tobacco Cleansing Session
In Mexican Indigenous rituals, ceremonies, and religious observances, tobacco is the unifying thread of communication between humans and the spiritual powers. In the camp it's used as an energetic cleansing hygiene protocol after Bufo session.
Cacao Ceremony Preparation
The participants will be part of the preparation of the cacao seeds that will be the medicine for the initial heart-opening ceremony.
Group Integration Theraphy
One of the highlights of the program is the access to specialized guided integration therapy on site, group session helps to mirror the experiences and enhances de benefits of the psychedelic experience.
Yoga for beginners Class
Feel the Connection with your self! Stretch the mind and the body at the same time, participants will experience a yoga session outdoors in the desert.
Sun Gazin guided session
Sun-gazing is the act of staring directly into the sun, enabling us to sync and recharge the body with this life force energy and also invoke the powers of the mind!
Bufo in the Fire session
Set and setting creates the difference, experience Bufo in front of the fire.
Drum Circle
Participating in a Drum Circle helps develop confidence which benefits all types of human interaction from one-on-one to public speaking It’s a celebration of life capable of breaking down all of societies barriers: age, gender, culture, religion, language -Places the participant squarely in the here-and-now, which suppresses feelings of regret about the past or anxiety about the future and allows the individual to enjoy life in the moment – Promotes deep breathing and cardiovascular health – Releases stress and subsides anger – Revitalizes and energizes in a healthy and uplifting way – Sparks a general feeling of well-being – It’s just plain medicine!
Power Hike into the cave
On the last day we will make a hike trough the desert and will end into the abandoned mine with a full darkness meditation in the depths of the sacred mountain.
Sweat lodge
The benefits of sweating for healing and detoxification is a widely known practice in many Native cultures around the world. Not only does sweating clear the body of illness but also removes impurities from the mind and spirit. Toxins are removed from the body with extreme heat and muscles and joints can be rejuvenated.
Guided Theraphy
Emotions will be cleared and a mental health expert will be there for helping the participants to integrate the experience.
Organic selected food
Every meal is accompanied with a nutrition class and everything served is organic. Health problems, including cancer, infertility, asthma, and birth defects, have been linked to pesticide exposure. Pregnant women, children and the elderly are especially susceptible to the impacts of toxic pesticides.
Guided meditation
Guided meditation is just one branch of mindfulness practice. It’s regarded as one of the most accessible forms of meditation, especially for beginners, as the practitioner is guided through the process, usually by the teacher’s voice. Benefits of guided meditation include reducing stress and anxiety.